Gordon Graham: In the Game!
As the transition from Gordon Graham & Co. to Instar Performance evolves, I want you to know that G.G. is still in the game. I’m healthy and involved in assisting individuals and organizations to improve relationships and managing changes that contribute to a better world.
Next week Cat and I will be at a Ford Motor plant in Kansas City. We’re working with a management team that’s intent on keeping jobs in their community. It’s critical that we maximize our skills and abilities to be the best that we can be in this global economy. The strategies that were once considered “soft skills” are now understood to be a critical component in keeping jobs in our plants. It’s the collective habits, attitudes, beliefs and expectations of the work force that make us competitive. It’s the ability to engage the hearts and minds of individuals on the line that will help keep jobs in our communities. A non-threatening learning experience creates the awareness that each of us plays a vital part in this goal.
It’s important that when we ask people to change we offer new tools. Each of us needs to see the W.I.I.F.M. (what’s in it for me?). We all work for our own reasons; perhaps it’s building a better life for our families, vacation property, a new car, keeping jobs in the plant, etc. It could also be as basic as “just” making a positive difference in the world. Every day brings new opportunities, so stay in the game!
Be at peace,
Gordon Graham