Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The year 2010 is win

The year 2010 is winding down. It's been challenging. We lost two of our closest friends, and two of Eve's family members. They leave holes in our lives. I'm ready for 2011. Let's make it a good one and do great things! Peace, Gordy Graham

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving brings

Thanksgiving brings out the best in people; free turkeys to the needy, dinners for the hungry and open doors for the homeless. It's a day to give thanks and to be thankful for all we have; it's a day to share with those less fortunate - my kind of day! I'm blessed and thankful for my wife, Eve, my family and many friends - also a profoundly good dinner! ...And thanks for being you and for all you bring to this world. Peace, Gordy Graham

Friday, November 12, 2010

Every city or agency

Every city or agency I've worked with over the years is special. However El Palo Alto in California's Bay Area, will always hold a unique place in my memories for its special people, great heart and outstanding accomplishments. People change, but the desire for continuous improvement is alive and well in E. Palo Alto!. Peace, Gordy Graham

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Keeping your vision

Keeping your vision for the future, and a clear picture of current reality, can be challenging at times, but the gap between the two is what creates the motivation needed to keep on keepin' on! Peace, Gordy Graham

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hindsight is always

Hindsight is always 20/20. It's filled with would'ves, could'ves and should'ves. There's a concept that has great merit: "deliberate preparation for a predetermined outcome." There's no free lunch. As a great athlete once told me, "Game day is the day before the game." Take nothing for granted. Prepare to win. Preparation plus opportunity equals success! Peace, Gordy Graham

Hindsight is always

Hindsight is always 20/20. It's filled with would'ves, could'ves and should'ves. There's a concept that has great merit: "deliberate preparation for a predetermined outcome." There's no free lunch. As a great athlete once told me, "Game day is the day before the game." Take nothing for granted. Prepare to win. Preparation plus opportunity equals success! Peace, Gordy Graham

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election day! Eve an

Election day! Eve and I mailed in our ballots last week, so it's just a matter of waiting now for the results. For so many years elections held very little interest for me. Now I find myself extremely concerned with who is chosen to represent our city, state and country. If labels applied I would be considered a liberal. However, there are issues where I am quite the opposite. The person running for office, not whether they're Democrat, Republican or Independent, is more important to me than his or her political affiliation. Two politicians from my state of Washington that I always admired are Dan Evans, a Republican, and Boothe Gardner, a Democrat. It does seem that the Democratic position on most issues is closer to my own views. Equal access to opportunities, honesty, fairness, optimistic view of the future, independent thinker, not controlled by the money, a commitment to keep jobs in this country - these are the qualities I'm looking for. One person can make a difference, and each vote counts. Peace, Gordy Graham

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Monday night, N

It's Monday night, November 1st. Tomorrow we have the opportunity and the feedom - paid for by the blood of Patriots - to cast our ballot for the people we feel will best advocate for those issues that we support. Newspapers, radio and the Goliath of the media and the tube have been bombarding our living rooms with ads - paid for by the candidates? Not really! The media ads are funded by groups that have the most to gain by getting a candidate elected. In my humble opinion, the candidate with the bucks to hire the best writers, the most ad time and the largest and highest paid staff will be most likely to win. Once in a decade or so there's an upset. I'd really like to see a couple tomorrow, but I've only got one vote. Fortunately, my wife Eve and I are usually on the same page. Money talks, but the Washington Huskies beat U.S.C.; anything can happen. Get out and vote! Peace, Gordy Graham

Maintaining good men

Maintaining good mental health when things are positive is no challenge; it's when times get tough that it takes discipline. I've found that the glass half full is more encouraging than the glass half empty. My humble opinion. Peace, Gordy

Friday, October 29, 2010

There are so many go

There are so many good, caring people in our cities and states that keep providing services and support in spite of the continuous political battles that fill the air waves. How you can character assassinate someone and then have lunch together is bizarre in my humble opinion! ...But I guess that's politics! Peace, Gordy Graham

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm not ready for th

I'm not ready for the change of season! The summer was too short and we are already deep into fall. Time seems to speed up, and there's so much that needs doing and you'e trying to change the world! I think I'll just step back and enjoy life as it unfolds, enjoy my wife and partner, Eve, and continue to make my little contribution to imporve things in the world while recognizing that there are many others on the same journey. Peace, Gordy Graham

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's amazing how muc

It's amazing how much time we spend in the Circle of Concern! This is the area where we have no control over the outcome, i.e., the weather, or whether our plane will be on time, etc. I always come back to my Circle of Influence, and ask myself what I can do about it, then take the necessary action if it's within my Circle of Influence, or let it go if it's outside. I sometimes find myself spending too much time in the Circle of Concern, however I always recognize that I have a choice! Peace, Gordy Graham

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Humility is a strang

Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you've got it, you've lost it. - Unknown Peace, Gordy Graham

Monday, October 4, 2010

I attended a 2-1/2 d

I attended a 2-1/2 day seminar over the weekend, taught by Lou Tice. This is the seminar that impacted my life 38 years ago. There were 300 or so participants from all across the world. It always amazes me how relevant the same concepts are today. The way we think has a direct correlation on how well our life works. This is as true today as it was all those years ago. Truth is truth, and it's timeless. Going through a session as a participant again is always a good reminder. I'm in Chicago on Wednesday doing an event for a company there. I'll do a better job because of this weekend. It's a good reminder to think about what you think about! Peace, Gordy Graham

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

While I was out for

While I was out for my daily (almost) walk, I was thinking about all of the travel I've done over the years. I've flown, just on United, a million and a half miles since they started the mileage program. There's a song with the lyrics, "I've been everywhere man." However it's generally in and out, airports, hotels and conference rooms. The only times I actually visit an area, as a rule, is when my wife, Eve, travels with me. Last week I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Got in at night, car to the hotel, conference center, car to the airport and home. They told me Nova Scotia is a beautiful place. I've been there now, but haven't seen much of it! However, I love what I do and plan to stay places a little longer when I have the opportunity. When I look back at my life - 17 years in prison, a year on bread and water - it seems more like fiction. What a blessing it is to be in the game. I never forget where I came from, though, or miss a chance to visit men and women in prison whenever I can. Peace, Gordy Graham

Every day's a new da

Every day's a new day. It's filled with choices. I choose to make it a day to enjoy being in the game! I choose to take a minute counting my blessings, to let my wife know how important she is in my life, to call a few friends, write a bit and plan our new TUESDAYS WITH GORDY teleconferences that I'm collaborating on with Inventive Productions and R.J. McHatton. Hope you'll plan to join me when we're up and running! Peace, Gordy Graham

Monday, September 27, 2010

Nova Scotia was grea

Nova Scotia was great in spite of airports and airline seats! The Mechanical Contractors Association knows how to combine fun and business. They had a Scottish theme and were in kilts and tams the night before my presentation. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures from the event. We will be doing a weekly on-line teaching; "Tuesdays with Gordy" should be a good focusing tool. I look forward to making a positive difference in people's lives! Peace, Gordy Graham

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My good friend and p

My good friend and partner, R.J. McHatton, and I are "on the road again" this week, so I'll be out of the box for a while. I'll be back in touch at the end of the week. On Wednesday, the 22nd I head for Nova Scotia for a session with the Mechanical Contractors Assn. They're a great group and the little time I've spent with them has been very enjoyable. Stay well! Peace, Gordy Graham

Friday, September 10, 2010

When I listen to the

When I listen to the news (which I rarely do!) it seems to me there's too many people reading their own press releases. The media can create a somebody out of a nobody (and just as quickly tear them down again). There are too many getting too much face time, with too little of value to say, in my humble opinion! Peace, Gordy Graham

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The sheriff of a lar

The sheriff of a large jail system was asked his opinion on a critical issue facing his department. His response was worth considering. He said, "I'm not entitled to voice my opinion, because people listen to me." This is a good reminder for this writer. I sometimes make statements that don't reflect my perspective on an issue, and people assume it is! I often have to eat my words, and that ain't good! Think first, speak second. Peace, Gordy Graham

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Every day is special

Every day is special! It's nice that we set aside a day to acknowledge labor. Someone is responsible for all of the things we take for granted. The cars we drive, the food we eat, the roads and rails we travel on, our homes, entertainment, etc. Man, can we thank all those responsible in one day? I don't think so, but it's a good reminder! Peace, Gordy Graham

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gordon Graham video:

Gordon Graham video: "Thank You East Palo Alto"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

R.J. McHatton has co

R.J. McHatton has conducted a ton of interviews capturing David Lewis's accomplishments. He is doing this on his own time and with no financial support. R.J.'s work will allow people across the U.S. to share in David's unbelievable journey. Thanks, R.J.! Peace, Gordy Graham

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We conducted two 3-h

We conducted two 3-hour seminars in E. Palo Alto, CA, last week. This is the home of David Lewis, my long time friend who was hot & killed in June. It will take a while for the recovery process, but there are some quality people who will keep David's legacy alive. Peace, Gordy Graham

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's important to go

It's important to goal-set THROUGH, not TO! Don't just goal-set to get a job, goal-set to be great at performing it. See yourself both to, and past, the initial goal so your drive and energy stay with you. Peace, Gordy Graham

Saturday, August 21, 2010

We are all unique hu

We are all unique human beings, but more alike than different. Each of us deserves to be respected, and to have equal access to opportunities. Peace, Gordy

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The third major barr

The third major barrier to improving our enjoyment of life's journey is attitudes. It's amazing how attitudes that have no factual basis can cause us to lock out many of life's pleasures. These attitudes include people, places, food and activities that we may never have experienced! Try new foods, meet new people, attempt new activities - stretch yourself. You may find that you have locked out some very interesting and worthwhile experiences that could enrich your life. Peace, Gordy

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My wife, Eve, and I

My wife, Eve, and I stopped at Marymoor Park for a walk (stroll) in what is a beautiful spot; nice well kept trails, trees, shrubs, birds, squirrels and occasionally a little rabbit. Last night as I lay in bed, my mind went back in time to an 8 x 10 prison cell, and my dreams of being free to take that simple walk. Freedom is so often taken for granted. My thanks and gratitude to all those who have worked to make a walk in the park such a tremendous gift. -- Peace, Gordy

Friday, August 6, 2010

Make it a point to t

Make it a point to think of three people you haven't talked to in the last 30 days and give each one a call, or at least an e-mail. Do this for the next ten days. Make the effort a want-to, not a have-to! Peace, Gordy

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Awareness is the fir

Awareness is the first step to improvement. Be pro-active, don't wait until the wheel falls off! Stay in touch and we will see you at one of our Road Show events in the near future. Peace, Gordy

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm not young enough

I'm not young enough to know everything.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm looking forward

I'm looking forward to being on the road again, seeing old friends and meeting new ones! The three-hour live presentations will stimulate new ideas and motivate each of us to increase our efforts to make a difference, whether in our own lives and/or in the world. See you there! Peace, Gordy

Friday, July 30, 2010

Had a great time tal

Had a great time talking to the folks at Grainger's in Kansas City. Preparation is the key to long-term success. Peace, Gordy

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I just updated my bl

I just updated my blogs and facebook. Warm regards, Gordy

Thursday, June 10, 2010

David Lewis, Cathy Crosslin, and Gordy Graham

David Lewis My Friend

There's a huge hole in my heart this day. My partner, friend and a big piece of what I'm about was shot and killed yesterday. David Lewis: East Palo Alto, California; a champion for disconnected populations. An advocate for men and women in prisons across the country, and a voice for positive change - shot in the back in San Mateo, California.

His legacy will live on, but his presence will be greatly missed from California to New York, and in other parts of the world as well. Those of us who were blessed to spend time with David on the Misouri River in Montana will feel his presence as we reminisce around a campfire for years to come. His dedication to AA and NA found him at meetings in Wolf Creek, Montana! In my 35 years fishing the rivers in Montana, David set a precidence. He's the first fisherman I've met that went to AA meetings during a fishing trip! But that was my friend, David Lewis. He was one of a kind and I will miss him dearly.


Gordon Graham

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Corresponding with friends by Gordy Graham

Corresponding with Friends
by Gordy Graham

It's unusual when you receive an actual handwritten letter in the mail in today's world of texts, e-mail and cell phones. However, I get mail from men and women in prisons on an almost daily basis. I do my best, along with my wife Eve, to answer each correspondence. There's little I can do other than offer encouragement and suggest that change is possible and it's a do-it-yourself project!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gordy Graham on Patience


When communication breaks down, trust is the next thing to go. We have a tendency to begin to withdraw from each other. The longer this goes on the harder it is to close the gap. If I have a situation where this occurs, I try not to let the day end without making an effort to resolve the issue. However, we are all unique individuals and my wife, Eve, needs a little more time! So if this happens, and occasionally it does, it offers me the opportunity to work on patience – not one of my strong suits!


Gordon Graham

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I am now a Blogger

I am now a Blogger
Gordon Graham

Technology has finally forced me to enter the world of "Bloggers." Is that the word for people who Blog? Phones are being pushed aside by texting, and the web has made face-to-face (live) communication a rarity.

Progress can be painful for those of us who enjoy the human to human interaction. I've been a public speaker all of my (legal) career. The energy and creativity that evolves from live interaction would be hard to duplicate through the internet. (That's probably a point that could be argued by "Techies." Is that the word for people who are addicted to technology)

Anyway, I'm going to enter this highway to the world to offer insights that may add value to people challenged by a rapidly changing world.

Affirmation for the day: I believe in myself and I believe that I can make a difference!



Goal Setting with Gordon Graham

Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Gordon Graham

Memorial Day is a reminder to all of us that, “Freedom isn’t free.” Just in my lifetime, thousands of brave men and women have given their lives to preserve our right to live in a free society. We take so many of these freedoms for granted, and yet even today they are challenged by leaders who would deny us the right to choose our own destiny. A free society cannot survive without fair and just laws. Laws that do not discriminate based on gender, race, color, economics or political persuasion.

We should be able to disagree without being disagreeable. However, with the awesome power of technology, talking heads can polarize a country, a community and even a family. We have evolved into character assassination when a misspoken phrase can destroy a candidate’s chance of success. The truth can be slowly buried by airtime, and the bombastic attacks that play in living rooms every day across the country.

When I’m giving a presentation I have a tendency to misspeak, to say something that could be taken out of context. However, I can apologize and move on; the media doesn’t capture the error and play it over and over to make me look like something I’m not!

Television is a great resource for entertainment, news, weather, etc. It has control buttons that allow you to select stations and adjust volume, but the control I really like is the “off” button! So when the vitriol starts I change stations or hit the “off” switch. That really helps my mental health!

One of our most powerful freedoms is to choose, every two to four years, those who represent us in congress. We live in a diverse society. The United States offers the same freedoms, the same rights to all citizens that choose to obey the laws of a free society. We have a responsibility to exercise this freedom with the highest regard for all.

Have a peaceful, thoughtful – Free! - Memorial Day!

Peace, Gordon Graham


Gordon Graham

Technology offers so many tools for communication, and yet it’s still our biggest challenge. Faxing, texting, e-mails, blogs, Twitter, etc., have almost eliminated face-to-face conversation. There’s something about a handshake, looking another person in the eye, reading all of the non-verbal messages that are an important part of truly understanding another person that’s been all but lost with the advent of technology. However, whether we like it or not that’s the world we have created.

Peace, Gordon Graham

The Power To Change the World

The Power to Change the World
by Gordon Graham

The power to change the world? What an overwhelming thought! Who would be so audacious as to even consider such an impossible task? Certainly not yours truly! However, when I started the process of changing myself, miraculous things began to take place. My world suddenly got larger, people seemed friendlier, opportunities were more abundant and I realized that when you change yourself, you change the world.

That is an empowering awareness. For so many years I was stalled in neutral waiting for someone to give me a chance, to find me a job, to discover what a "helluva guy" I am! The phone stayed silent, the doorbell never rang and the mail carried bills and great savings on everything from soap to lawn mowers. How could people be so short sighted? How could they miss such a talent?

I've had many people come into my life who have opened doors for me. They gave me opportunities that few with my background ever receive, but ultimately we make our own breaks. The willingness to take a chance, or perhaps it's courage - either way you've got to reach for what you want. The one absolute truth for me is that friends are the greatest gift that life offers.

I am blessed with a wealth of good friends. They range from C.E.O.'s to convicts. My wife and partner, Eve, brings honesty, integrity and balance to my life. She keeps me from getting too full of myself. So, call an old friend today. Tell someone how important they are to you. You have the power to "make someone's day!"


Gordon Graham

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Speech: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Phoenix, AZ

I really enjoyed speaking to about 250 members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Phoenix, Arizona on May 21st.

The topic I spoke about was "Managing Change in Challenging Times."

Managing change both personally and professionally can be extremely difficult in today’s fast paced world. Maintaining balance as a spouse, parent, employer, employee, community leader, etc. can get a bit overwhelming at times. I talked about insights and techniques that can add some additional tools to people's tool kit of life.