Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gordon Graham: The Real Deal!


by Gordon Graham


Today I had lunch with Lou Tice, Chairman and Founder of The Pacific Institute.  It’s always enjoyable to spend time with Louis.  His seminar was the catalyst for turning my life around 38 years go.  We don’t get together as often these days but I always come away with new ideas and am motivated to speed up the process of improving the world I live in.

I was reminded of one of the first questions that went through my mind when I initially went through the Achieving Your Potential seminar all those years ago.  “Why didn’t I have access to this information when I was sixteen?”  Maybe I wouldn’t have listened, but maybe I would have.  Imagine the savings to society, myself, and my family if these concepts had been available to me then.

By the time I was introduced to T.P.I.’s process I had spent 17 years in and out of maximum security prisons, committed a number of crimes, been involved in riots, spent 365 consecutive days on bread and water, been shot, and was recognized as the leader in the prison culture.  I have no idea what all of that cost the taxpayer.  I do know that there’s a good chance that none of these things would have happened if I had been aware of the process that is offered by The Pacific Institute.

Now here’s the good news!  T.P.I. has developed a process for youth called PX2.  I had a chance to preview the content and delivery of this program a couple of days ago.  It’s the real deal!  It reaches young people where they are and with a delivery system that relates to their world. There’s no way to measure the impact that this type of education can have on our youth.  But if it keeps one youngster from taking a wrong turn in life, or gives them tools to live a more fulfilled life, you can’t put a dollar figure on it.

PX2 could be the key to helping change the culture in our inner cities.  It may also keep some youngsters from making the kind of decisions that kept me trapped in a destructive lifestyle for a good part of my early years. Hindsight is always 20/20.  There’s no guarantee that something like PX2 would have changed the course of my life.  However, I would have liked the opportunity to make that choice. Every young person should have that opportunity.  They just might discover how great they really are!

An old Chinese proverb goes, “If you cut an apple in half anyone can count the number of seeds in an apple, but no one can count the apples in a seed.”  When the time is right, the mind is open and the seeds get a little nourishment, great things can happen!  PX2 is full of seeds.  We just need more planters and a little more nourishment to start the growth process.  (See what a lunch with Louis can do?!)


Gordy Graham

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