Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gordon Graham: Common Ground

Common Ground

I was in Memphis, Tennessee last week at a conference that brought management and unions together to explore ways to improve relationships and increase competitiveness in our rapidly changing world. This conference was a collaborative effort by the University of Tennessee, state, federal and local governments, as well as labor organizations and corporate leaders. It offered an open forum for sharing ideas, plus a variety of workshops and speakers brought in to unlock awareness and investigate avenues to becoming more competitive in the international arena.

The sponsors of the conference were overwhelmed with the response and participation and overall, it exceeded everyone’s expectations. People were able to take back new ideas and a renewed sense of hope to their organizations and agencies.

Although several groups have been able to keep this energy alive in spite of tough economic conditions, we need more of these activities. Only with a concentrated effort by both labor unions and management teams will we be able to keep well-paying jobs in our communities. Organized labor has a major role to play in improving workplace culture and this conference was a great start to a complicated challenge. The days of “us versus them” needs to take its place in history and it will take the ingenuity and commitment of all parties to keep jobs in this country. The men and women on the line need to be engaged and allowed to bring their creativity and energy to the party, while management needs to open communication and solicit input from hourly employees.

My thanks go to the sponsors and coordinators for inviting me to participate in such a valuable event.


Gordon Graham
Gordon Graham & Co.

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