Monday, June 15, 2009

Gordon Graham on STAYING FOCUSED

Gordon Graham on STAYING FOCUSED

This is an interesting time for people in every sector of our society. It’s a time that challenges our ability to maintain our focus on what is truly important in our lives.

The bankruptcy of General Motors was a heart-wrenching event for yours truly. I’ve had a relationship with GM and the U.A.W. for thirty-odd years. Many of my close friends work for GM. They range from regional directors to plant managers, from union leaders to men and women on the production line. The impact that just one plant closure can have on the economy of a community is devastating. Many of the General Motors plants are the largest employers in small and mid-sized cities. The tax revenue provides the resources for education, social services and many other community needs. When a plant closes so do many small businesses that depend upon the work force as their customer base.

Change is a constant in today’s rapidly evolving world. My hope is that our leadership will recognize the importance of keeping decent jobs in our communities. We all recognize that the world keeps getting smaller with the increase of technology and the emerging global economy. The free trade system as it has played out has not been a fair trade system for America’s workers, and our current health care system alone puts us at a tremendous disadvantage.

Leadership needs to understand that the men and women who build our cars and trucks don’t need an edge, they just need a chance to compete on a level playing field.


Gordon Graham, Change Agent

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