Thursday, June 24, 2010

I just updated my bl

I just updated my blogs and facebook. Warm regards, Gordy

Thursday, June 10, 2010

David Lewis, Cathy Crosslin, and Gordy Graham

David Lewis My Friend

There's a huge hole in my heart this day. My partner, friend and a big piece of what I'm about was shot and killed yesterday. David Lewis: East Palo Alto, California; a champion for disconnected populations. An advocate for men and women in prisons across the country, and a voice for positive change - shot in the back in San Mateo, California.

His legacy will live on, but his presence will be greatly missed from California to New York, and in other parts of the world as well. Those of us who were blessed to spend time with David on the Misouri River in Montana will feel his presence as we reminisce around a campfire for years to come. His dedication to AA and NA found him at meetings in Wolf Creek, Montana! In my 35 years fishing the rivers in Montana, David set a precidence. He's the first fisherman I've met that went to AA meetings during a fishing trip! But that was my friend, David Lewis. He was one of a kind and I will miss him dearly.


Gordon Graham

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Corresponding with friends by Gordy Graham

Corresponding with Friends
by Gordy Graham

It's unusual when you receive an actual handwritten letter in the mail in today's world of texts, e-mail and cell phones. However, I get mail from men and women in prisons on an almost daily basis. I do my best, along with my wife Eve, to answer each correspondence. There's little I can do other than offer encouragement and suggest that change is possible and it's a do-it-yourself project!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gordy Graham on Patience


When communication breaks down, trust is the next thing to go. We have a tendency to begin to withdraw from each other. The longer this goes on the harder it is to close the gap. If I have a situation where this occurs, I try not to let the day end without making an effort to resolve the issue. However, we are all unique individuals and my wife, Eve, needs a little more time! So if this happens, and occasionally it does, it offers me the opportunity to work on patience – not one of my strong suits!


Gordon Graham