Wednesday, September 29, 2010

While I was out for

While I was out for my daily (almost) walk, I was thinking about all of the travel I've done over the years. I've flown, just on United, a million and a half miles since they started the mileage program. There's a song with the lyrics, "I've been everywhere man." However it's generally in and out, airports, hotels and conference rooms. The only times I actually visit an area, as a rule, is when my wife, Eve, travels with me. Last week I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Got in at night, car to the hotel, conference center, car to the airport and home. They told me Nova Scotia is a beautiful place. I've been there now, but haven't seen much of it! However, I love what I do and plan to stay places a little longer when I have the opportunity. When I look back at my life - 17 years in prison, a year on bread and water - it seems more like fiction. What a blessing it is to be in the game. I never forget where I came from, though, or miss a chance to visit men and women in prison whenever I can. Peace, Gordy Graham

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