Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gordy Graham: A New Way

A New Way
by Gordon Graham

It feels like a new day! The past is a part of history, the future remains a mystery, but the present is what is. We need to deal with “what is,” but the focus should be on what can be.

Every day I become more aware of the rapid changes that are occurring across the country.

Much of the change is driven by technology. In reading, hearing and seeing the political approach to the election of 2008, we have seen a dramatic difference in campaign strategies.

Obama was directly in touch with voters from Oregon to Delaware. His use of the web, Face Book, the Blackberry and all the other internet connections kept him in touch with you and me at the grass roots level. He’s someone that most of us felt could understand our challenges, hopes and dreams. McCain seemed to be a throwback to a different time in history. He seemed to be talking to an audience that wasn’t aware that the world has changed. We are a diverse society, no longer able to fit old solutions to the world’s problems of today; a society that is coming to recognize that diplomacy is at least as important as military strength. McCain’s service to this country is something that every
American can admire. However, it’s a new day and we need a new way if we are to regain our image as a leader of the free world.

I have great respect for Obama. However, I am closer to McCain in terms of technology.

The internet, the web, Face Book, and all the other technological tools are still beyond my abilities. Fortunately I have Cat, Kate and Eve who work to keep me connected to the information highway. Newsletters, blogs and on-line learning are today’s reality. The ingenuity of the high tech world continues to amaze me. The marketing power of the web, and it’s ability to place opportunities in our living rooms is truly awesome. The world is changing and we must choose either to adjust or we will be a memory from “back in the day.”

So with this in mind, we will be offering on-line courses that allow people to sign up and participate in our curriculum on-line. There will be courses to help individuals gain insights and tools for self-improvement, as well as how to deal with the changes we all face. We will offer programs for correctional facilities, parole and transitional services for prison inmates. Another area of focus is union/management relations, and how to build strong companies and organizations right here in our own country. We will continue to add
other courses which will assist individuals and organizations in dealing with change, the only constant we can all count on.

Change has become the driving force for organizations and individuals as we strive to remain competitive in today’s economy. Change has been my personal mantra for the past 38 years. Just when I think I’m on top of things, they change! With a new president and new leadership in Washington D.C., this country has the opportunity to create a change in direction that will benefit not only the U.S., but the entire world.

Change is an inside job. It starts with each one of us. I’m excited about what we can achieve over the next four years. I’m in!


Gordy Graham
Gordon Graham & Co.

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