Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Day!

We anticipate a new day under new leadership. It will take tremendous courage to change the course of this country. Good words are important; they can get you elected, but they only last a short time without the actions that bring them to life. I’m optimistic about our new leadership, and excited about the possibilities that lay before us. We need jobs that pay decent wages, workers need a voice in the game, and unions give them that voice. Unions, like any democratic organization, are judged by their leadership. I’ve been impressed by the leadership of the U.A.W. They were willing to “put skin in the game.”

Labor built this country, and unions are the last advocates for keeping decent paying jobs here. Politicians need to address the greed and self-serving culture that is destroying people’s ability to find jobs that pay a living wage. We need to bring jobs back to our cities and states, and stop the out-sourcing that has destroyed our manufacturing base. Unions give our working men and women a voice in the future of our country. It has proven to be extremely dangerous to leave our future in the hands of politicians and greedy multi-national corporations.

This is a new day, and we need a new way. We voted overwhelmingly for change in this country. Obama rocks!

Gordy Graham
Gordon Graham & Co.

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