Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Power To Change the World

The Power to Change the World
by Gordon Graham

The power to change the world? What an overwhelming thought! Who would be so audacious as to even consider such an impossible task? Certainly not yours truly! However, when I started the process of changing myself, miraculous things began to take place. My world suddenly got larger, people seemed friendlier, opportunities were more abundant and I realized that when you change yourself, you change the world.

That is an empowering awareness. For so many years I was stalled in neutral waiting for someone to give me a chance, to find me a job, to discover what a "helluva guy" I am! The phone stayed silent, the doorbell never rang and the mail carried bills and great savings on everything from soap to lawn mowers. How could people be so short sighted? How could they miss such a talent?

I've had many people come into my life who have opened doors for me. They gave me opportunities that few with my background ever receive, but ultimately we make our own breaks. The willingness to take a chance, or perhaps it's courage - either way you've got to reach for what you want. The one absolute truth for me is that friends are the greatest gift that life offers.

I am blessed with a wealth of good friends. They range from C.E.O.'s to convicts. My wife and partner, Eve, brings honesty, integrity and balance to my life. She keeps me from getting too full of myself. So, call an old friend today. Tell someone how important they are to you. You have the power to "make someone's day!"


Gordon Graham

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