Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Monday night, N

It's Monday night, November 1st. Tomorrow we have the opportunity and the feedom - paid for by the blood of Patriots - to cast our ballot for the people we feel will best advocate for those issues that we support. Newspapers, radio and the Goliath of the media and the tube have been bombarding our living rooms with ads - paid for by the candidates? Not really! The media ads are funded by groups that have the most to gain by getting a candidate elected. In my humble opinion, the candidate with the bucks to hire the best writers, the most ad time and the largest and highest paid staff will be most likely to win. Once in a decade or so there's an upset. I'd really like to see a couple tomorrow, but I've only got one vote. Fortunately, my wife Eve and I are usually on the same page. Money talks, but the Washington Huskies beat U.S.C.; anything can happen. Get out and vote! Peace, Gordy Graham

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